Call for abstracts

Disclosure of conflicts of interest (COI)

Presenters must declare any conflicts of interest at their presentation.
Please see the items to be disclosed and use the example for presentation slide or poster.

  1. Employment, executive or advisory roles in corporations or profit-oriented organizations, and the amount of compensation (more than 1 million yen per year)
  2. Ownership of stocks and profits derived from those stocks (owning more than 5% of the stocks or an annual profit of more than 1 million yen)
  3. Compensation paid as intellectual property rights usage fees from corporations or profit-oriented organizations (more than 1 million yen per year)
  4. Compensation paid by corporations or profit-oriented organizations for lectures, manuscripts, guidance, daily allowances, etc. (total of more than 500,000 yen per year)
  5. Research funds provided by corporations or profit-oriented organizations (more than 1 million yen per year for a single research)
  6. Scholarship donations provided by corporations or profit-oriented organizations (total of more than 1 million yen per year)
  7. Endowed courses or specially appointed faculty members funded by corporations (in case of accepting endowed chairs from corporations or if the declarant's salary is covered by external funds from endowed chairs or corporations)
  8. Acceptance of researchers, etc. from corporations or profit-oriented organizations (in case of accepting researchers, part-time lecturers, visiting professors, working adult graduate students, etc. from corporations)
  9. Other compensation (trips, gifts, etc. unrelated to research) (more than 50,000 yen per year)
Supporters' organization
  • JSHP
    Japanese Society of
    Hospital Pharmacists
    Japanese Society of
    Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
    Japanese Society of
    Drug Informatics
    Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical
    Health Care and Sciences
  • PSJ
    The Pharmaceutical
    Society of Japan
  • JPA
    Japan Pharmaceutical Association
  • JPS
    The Japanese Pharmacological Society
    Japanese Society of
    Pharmaceutical Oncology
  • Keio University
Contact information
APOPC 2024 Secretariat
JTB Communication Design, Inc.

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