
Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Honored Guests,

A heartfelt greeting and a warm welcome to the Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress. It is a great pleasure to extend our greetings in acknowledgment of the profound significance of our gathering here in Tokyo, Japan.

Our congress, titled "Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress 2024," marks a pivotal moment in our shared journey. This occasion represents our first face-to-face meeting since the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not merely a congress but a celebration of resilience, collaboration, and the unwavering spirit of our community.

This year's theme, "Unite Asian Oncology Pharmacists: Start and Develop Next Generations," encapsulates our collective commitment to advancing the field. Throughout the duration of this congress, we will encourage our next generation, explore the vital role of oncology pharmacists, delve into recent research from across our diverse countries, explore the utilization of AI/DX within the realm of oncology pharmacy, etc., we set the stage for a future that promises innovation and excellence.

Beyond the confines of our conference agenda lies an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the rich culture of Japan, indulge in its culinary delights, and foster international connections among Asian-Pacific pharmacists. Our time here is not just about advancing our field but also about building bridges and friendships that will endure.

So, here's to an enriching congress, to the exchange of ideas to improve next-generation cancer chemotherapy, and to the camaraderie that transforms this gathering into a memorable experience.

Thank you, and may the Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress 2024 unfold with inspiration and camaraderie.


Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress 2024
Hisakazu OHTANI, PhD, RPh, LtCol(res)
Professor, Keio University School of Medicine
Director, Department of Pharmacy, Keio University Hospital

Supporters' organization
  • JSHP
    Japanese Society of
    Hospital Pharmacists
    Japanese Society of
    Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
    Japanese Society of
    Drug Informatics
    Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical
    Health Care and Sciences
  • PSJ
    The Pharmaceutical
    Society of Japan
  • JPA
    Japan Pharmaceutical Association
  • JPS
    The Japanese Pharmacological Society
    Japanese Society of
    Pharmaceutical Oncology
  • Keio University
Contact information
APOPC 2024 Secretariat
JTB Communication Design, Inc.

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