Travel information

Visa (Not apply to all participants)

To enter Japan from countries/regions not subject to visa exemption, you will need to obtain an entry visa.
Please refer to the link below for visa application procedures.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan:
Please note:
  • It is up to the participants to decide whether to come to Japan on a tourist visa or another visa (e.g. a business affairs visa.)
  • The organizer will issue an invitation letter to those who wish to receive it to their affiliation. However, the organizer will not be able to issue a letter of guarantee.
Supporters' organization
  • JSHP
    Japanese Society of
    Hospital Pharmacists
    Japanese Society of
    Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
    Japanese Society of
    Drug Informatics
    Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical
    Health Care and Sciences
  • PSJ
    The Pharmaceutical
    Society of Japan
  • JPA
    Japan Pharmaceutical Association
  • JPS
    The Japanese Pharmacological Society
    Japanese Society of
    Pharmaceutical Oncology
  • Keio University
Contact information
APOPC 2024 Secretariat
JTB Communication Design, Inc.

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